I'll be presenting for the first time at
LegalTech New York 2010, on February 1 in "Sutton South."
It should be an interesting panel, moderated by
Rob Saccone (very formerly of my firm and now head of XMLaw), with
Patrick DiDomenico a/k/a "LawyerKM," and
Tom Baldwin.
We'll be discussing how various web-based tools and approaches fit into knowledge processes of increasing awareness and gathering information, storing information and resources so they can be effectively reused, organizing information so that it can be found and sparks connections, and sharing information.
In other words, How do you get the right information at the right time? How do you reduce noise and find what's really relevant to you in your daily work? How do you sort the good stuff from the bad and make sure that you keep the good stuff?
We're not limited to one side of the firewall here. I'll be discussing the use of social collaborative tools for knowledge sharing at my firm, and also how I use Twitter and the related phenomena of hashtags, lists, and Twitter applications to stay on top of developments in my field.
Speaking of Twitter, I've seen some confusion around the hashtag--people are converging on
#ltny however.
Hope to see you there!